Greek Dances

Greek Dances

Greek Dances

Greek Dances

Greek Dances

Greek Dances


Greek Dances

     At Adonis Hotel you can ask us to teach you Greek dances!

     Greek dances are indissolubly linked to Greek culture. There is no feast, marriage or even family gathering, where we do not 

     Part of our 
way of expression and entertainment, the dances of Greece vary from region to region. Of course, musical instruments, traditional costumes, songs and themes also differ.

     Dances may be circular or obverse. There are also dances that are danced only by men or only by women, but there are also mixed dances.

     Each dance serves a purpose. Its name is usually associated with this purpose, or it has to do with the way it is danced, the place where it comes from, the family that established it, the particular day when it 
is danced etc.

     Generally, Greek dances have been counted and are in total near 300, along with the variations that exist in each dance. It is an extremely large variety that is preserved and given to the next generations.

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